Wednesday 24 September 2014

iMovie Research

This week I have decided to look into how to use iMovie and I have been looking at guides on youtube to help myself. First off I looked for different editing effects and how I go about editing parts if of my own videos. The iMovie software is pretty basic and easy to understand so I believe this is a good starting point for me. iMovie is just one of the video editing software's I will be trying to teach myself as i would like to use more advanced software's but this is the only one currently available to me. This is the video I am going to watch first - 

After watching the video I think I have learnt alot of new editing information and discovered things I Didn't know you were able to do on iMovie. This video was very long so it was hard for me to take it all in, I will have to try and test some of the things I have learnt in school and update my post showing my new skills. 

1 comment:

  1. Ok good start Jacob, I am looking forward to seeing your experiments in iMovie. Your experimental green screen should be up by now. By Friday please.
